Photo Wall Collage + Decorating Your Walls



How I Decorated Our New London Flat With A Colorful Photo Wall Collage

As soon as our boxes arrived, fresh out of a crate from a transatlantic shipping cargo container, I eagerly ripped them open. Our flat, while brand spanking new and white as can be, looked pretty bland. To give our new London home a distinctive StyleBomb personality I created a colorful photo wall collage.  I decided to mix all sizes and colors of photo frames and mediums (paintings, photographs, drawings, childhood artwork, et cetera). And while a photo wall collage looks easy to execute from posts on the web (we can blame Pinterest and all those ridiculously dexterous home décor bloggers out there), it was actually an intense labor of love. There’s lots of painstaking measuring, outlining, and switching frames around to ensure you have the right look you want.


*StyleBomb Update: It’s been three years since I decorated our walls with this photo collage. While I loved this look for a long time, I’ve concluded a photo collage like this works better on a smaller wall and one that has less people traffic. Also, since our space is so small (less than 500 square feet), I think our living room will look less cluttered and a bit more refined with only two focal point pieces. My current thoughts are on acquiring a Gray Malin photograph or tracking down an extra-large French vintage poster. If you have any thoughts on spectacular (but afforable) artwork, I’d love to hear from you. xx, @stylebomb

Gray Malin Accessories